How beautiful is our adolescence?
Any way we spent our adolescence, or are spending it right now it is a breathless period in one's life: colorful and magic, desperate and happy!
Venus in Astrology is the ruler of youth. Under her influence, youth discovers love, sexual attraction, social gatherings, new alliances, creating new attitudes towards society!
Along with all that, adolescence brings an acute, inner turmoil; Venus pushes young people from one extreme to the other ( Libra is ruled by this planet).
To harmonize this continuous imbalance shifting, from one scale to the other, the minds of the young, need be trained to discriminate. To experience what is essential and what it is not, to separate genuine desire from fake desire, freedom from fake freedom.
With discrimination in youth, real values begin to take shape and we can really say that youth is a very educative period of our lives, whatever this means for you.
Studies have shown that although we have learned history by memorization, it doesn't mean that we understood the real causes of events. Probably the real explanation lies in a non-obvious relationship between a subjective cause and its outer reality.
Youth is well represented by the coming of the Aquarian Age, and a new cycle of history has already partially begun. Youngsters desire to know that they are not learning through blind faith, but wish to understand with both heart and mind what is going on.
In the future, it is possible, that psychology will be studied in higher school and this will be a great progress. The turning of the youthful mind to a more reflective approach to life, will put them in touch with the nature of their Souls and in consequence their relationship with the World-Soul!
Under good direction, Meditation, might be a valuable subject for them, helping to focus and giving them more intuitive capabilities.
Venus can be refreshing and inspirational if turned into arts or creative expressions, therefore the acute pain of adolescence can be transformed into burst of creative outlets.
Aquarius age will bring a new wave of education, allowing youth to be more aware of their place in society, their place in the family, and the potential of their generation.
Venus, in Soul- oriented Astrology, rules the principle of Loving-Intelligence and the youth, in the future, will become more attuned to it.
Leni provides a large variety of astrological services, workshops, readings and is an accomplished lecturer and writer, in both English and Italian. She has appear on television and radio, and is much in demand for the both traditional and soul centered astrology.
Leni Sibilio