Saturday, May 26, 2007

PLUMPY'NUT is the magical product...

PLUMPY'NUT is saving children....

Niamey-Niger-May 2007.

The terrible famine which killed thousands of children in the worst Niger's severe nutrition crisis in his history, seems to be lessening its grip!

The sight of undernourished children is less common than it was, but chronic malnutrition still affect more than 50 percent of them.

Even when the harvests are good, still the 10 percent of them suffer acute malnutrition!

A large scale effort has been launched to face this walking- ghost, and one of the tools used to stop this

massacre, is the therapeutic food known as Plumpy'nut. Food which helped to save thousands of lives during the crisis in 2005.

Like many therapeutic health centres across Niger, the UNICEF gives Plumpy'nut to severely malnourished children.

The high-protein, high-energy, peanut-based paste, typically comes in foil wrappers, or small plastic tubs, who are practical for children, who can easily eat them.

People call it:” the magical product!”

says the Regional humanitarian Advisor Jan Eijkenaar of the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Department ( ECHO ).

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world!

Neptune in Aquarius, is high in the sky, in these years, and this planetary position gives a large vision to humanitarian actions, opening the way to new solutions.

The world is one world, and its sufferings are one; humanity is in truth a unity, but many are still unaware of this, and the events are there to awaken the consciousness of the many.

A great human family will emerge in the future, there is no room , and time, for “neutral people”.

Leni provides a large variety of astrological services, workshops, readings and is an accomplished lecturer and writer, in both English and Italian. She has appear on television and radio, and is much in demand for the both traditional and soul centered astrology.

Leni Sibilio

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